What good is a beacon if it is shining in the day time? A beacon finds itself most useful when it is shinning in the darkest of nights, and in the stormiest of storms. It is our desire at Berean Beacon to be such a light, that shines the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ into the dark corners of our world. We believe that those corners are sometimes the darkest in the tempting but false gospels of Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches.

Catholic Endeavors to Overturn the Reformation
Just as the primary response of the Roman Catholic Church to the Biblical faith of the Reformers was the Counter-Reformation through the Jesuits, now Pope Francis a Jesuit leads the Roman Church’s endeavors to overturn the Reformation. Thus it is of vital importance that we understand want is involved in these endeavors so as not only to impede them but to advance Reformation faith.

For most of his Pontificate, Pope Francis has promoted Islam. Instead of warning people against the onslaught of Muslims across the world, Francis has left unaddressed Islamic persecution of European, Middle Eastern, and African people. Francis’s promotion of Islam is horrendous.
The world is made quite aware of the negative influences upon societies as Muslim immigrants coming from places like Syria cause, as they pours into countries like Germany and Sweden. Our video on the Roman Church endorsing Islam in face of the disgust that has been experienced needs to be seen.
We ask that you forward this URL to many others, and if possible, that you have it posted on Internet websites. Thank you

The Roman Catholic Mass
The center of Catholic worship and life is the Mass. It is therefore necessary that we address what the official teaching of the Catholic Church is in the light of biblical truth. For example, the Roman Church teaches, “The eucharistic celebration is the center of the assembly of the faithful over which the priest presides. Hence priests teach the faithful to offer the divine victim [Jesus Christ] to God the Father in the sacrifice of the Mass and with the victim to make an offering of their whole life.” Obviously such teaching needs to be carefully analyzed. This I do in a compassionate way as Paul Flynn interviews me, Richard Bennett

Not only does the Roman system conceal its own wickedness, it exalts the glory that the world gives to Pope Francis. That man that claims to be the Holy Father and Head of the Lord’s Church mocks our Lord and our Heavenly Father. The exposing of current documented facts about the Roman Church and its Pope, make this video valuable to protect people across the world for its perilous influence. Please make this video known to your friends and church members. And kindly let us know if you are speaking or writing to reveal the subtle guile of the system called the Roman Catholic Church. And as we pray for a display of the Lord God’s truth and grace, as this video is viewed, we praise Him. We also thank you for helping us make known this information to others.
Comment on the Video from Australia
Thank you so much for this video and ALL you have been doing to focus attention on the Romish Antichrist. On your website the list of videos on the right of this current post, with other videos for viewing are staggeringly comprehensive. Also, they are as historic in detail as the current post. As you also would know, with events in Paris, Rome and Islam really bear watching together - the beast and the false prophet… May the Lord continue to bless and use you dear brother in Christ - Denis