The Uncompromised Word

Truth Seekers

The Truth will set you free

Megiddo Films, Paul Flynn

What Every Catholic Should Know

Bible Based Ministries

The Apparitions of Mary?

Mysticism and the Emerging Church

Catholic Apologetics: James White 

The pitfalls and traps of those who
seek to know God personally through
mystical experiences are chaotic.
Ken Silva does an excellent job in
not only analyzing the subtle mystics
of former times but right up to the
present day he shows just how lethal
these experiences are to the Gospel of grace: Apprising Ministries

Reformation Ireland

A Christian Witness to Roman Catholicism

Early Church History & Tradition

The Highway

Just for Catholics


Help For Catholics

Proclaiming the Gospel

Prophecy Fulfilled in History

The Gospel Hour- Australia

'Take Heed' Ministries

The Trinity Foundation

Good News for Catholics

52 volumes of free Spurgeon
sermons in modern language
are available at:

We highly recommend this
ministry. Spurgeon in Spanish:

 UK Contact for books by Richard Bennett:
Banner of Truth

Christianity and Orthodoxy in Serbia

Many free online Reformation MP3s,
videos, books and blogs, by such as
Charles Spurgeon, John Calvin, John
Knox, and many other Reformers from
Still Waters Revival Books.

Spiritual state of the UK in the light of Scripture: